Things to Know Before Purchasing a Vehicle from a Buy Here Pay Here Dealership

November 5th, 2018 by

Know the Advantages

How does a buy here pay here dealership in Independence operate?

A buy here pay here dealership can be an incredibly viable solution when you need to purchase a used vehicle. A buy here pay here dealership is different from a traditional dealership for numerous reasons. A buy here pay here car lot has the means to finance a loan to buyers without using and involving any external third-party banks, lenders, or financial institutions.

The primary advantage to a dealership financing in this manner is that conventional lenders and financial institutions have an extraordinarily high barred standard concerning credit history, income, employment history, and debt, that any flexibility regarding these requirements is virtually nonexistent. A buy here pay here dealership caters to a much larger group of people because of the formidable flexibility they offer when financing their vehicles. Not only is the flexibility within the requirements to finance a vehicle, but it also means that there is great flexibility with how much of a down payment is required as well. A conventional dealership is relentlessly firm in the percentage of the principle that they require down on the vehicle, whereas at a buy here pay here dealership, this percentage is flexible and is calculated on an individual case-by-case basis.

Another great advantage of a buy here pay here dealership is that they can help you build up your credit by frequently reporting to the credit bureau’s on a regular basis. The high frequency of this can positively influence your credit score faster than a loan from a conventional lender would.

Crunch Your Numbers

Prior to visiting a buy here pay here dealer to purchase a vehicle, there are several things that you will want to gather and work out on your own ahead of time. This will make the purchasing process quicker by knowing exactly what to expect from the dealer, and what the dealer will expect from you.

First and foremost, you need to take a look at your income and your regular occurring expenses to evaluate how much of a payment you can afford. The financing and purchasing process will run much smoother when you have an established a number that you are comfortable having as a payment and that you are certain you can afford consistently, taking unexpected expenses into account.

The next step you will want to take before purchasing with a buy here pay here dealer in Independence, Mo is where your credit rating stands. When it comes to credit, there are numerous facets that determine how high or low that number will be. It will be extremely helpful for you to be knowledgeable of what all your credit report consists of and the reasons behind it.

A conventional lender could not care less about why your credit history appears the way it does, and simply treats you and your credit rating as a number on a spreadsheet. At a buy here pay here dealership, you are speaking to the lender for your vehicle directly, upfront, and personal. It is because of this aspect that there is great flexibility. You are speaking with a person who has a brain and is capable of understanding at a buy here pay here dealership. Conventional dealerships that work with banks and third-party lenders are strictly firm and straightforward with your credit score number, and they use automated algorithms and calculations to obtain financing rather than an actual person you can speak to face-to-face.

After making your determination of what kind of payment you can comfortably afford and then familiarizing and informing yourself about not only your credit score but also your credit history and the reasoning behind it, the next number you want to crunch is your down payment amount. Since there are no set rules or regulations governing what amount of a down payment is required of buyers when purchasing at a buy here pay here dealership, each dealership is different and has their own methods in how they determine this.

You should expect to put money down on a vehicle, as the majority of buy here pay here dealerships do require something down and while they exist, no down payment deals are hard to come by. It is very important to consider that financially as a buyer, it makes much more sense for you to put more down then less. A bigger down payment reduces the term of your loan and it also reduces the amount of your monthly payment amount. While not every buyer has the means to put a good chunk of money down, it would benefit you in the long run to do so. That being said, again, because you are speaking with your lender directly face to face, and they are a person with a much bigger threshold of flexibility than a conventional lender or banks calculations and algorithms, this provides more options for a down payment then a traditional dealership would.

Prospect Your Preferences

Having gotten the finances squared away, you can move on to the vehicle itself. You want to get a general idea of what type of vehicle you prefer. How big is it? What is the ideal capacity? Which makes are dependable and which are not?

While you shouldn’t map out exact specifics all your ideal vehicles attributes, you want to have a baseline to start with. Most buy here pay here dealerships have a wide inventory that spans numerous makes, unlike a traditional dealership that has the majority of a single or a couple makes in their inventory. Use this to your advantage, as you have many more points to compare your choices because of the variety provided. Do your homework on used vehicles so you have this information handy when browsing the lot.

Another important attribute to note is that buy here pay here dealerships typically have warranties that you can get with your vehicle purchase. You should determine if this is of interest to you, and if so, what things you want to look for within the warranty and the term of the warranty. Some warranties offered by buy here pay here dealers encompass more than standard warranties you would get at a traditional dealership because you are working with used and pre-certified vehicles.